Joe has reluctantly decided to git off his ass and do some public service. Not that you mullets deserve it!!!
It is time to announce that JOE is officially seeking the nomination of the JOE SCHITTE PARTY as a candidate for EL SUPREMO FOR LIFE!!!!
This is a new office created by the JOE SCHITTE PARTY on the premise that Benevolent Dictatorship is the best form of goverment...
Face it, DEMOCRACY SUCKS!!!! TOO MANY FREAKIN' MORONS...With the Joe Schitte Plan, there will be only one moron...EL SUPREMO...
Which brings up the old adage, "He may be a fool but he is our fool..." This is what Joe is talking about...I will be just like you!!!! I'll do the stuff that everybody says when they exclaim "If I were President I would..."
I have already talked about doing away with inherited wealth and just dropping most of every rich guy's estate, in hundred dollar bills, out of an airplane, at random ta keep it out of the undeserving hands of his spoiled family...
See, Joe is envious and spiteful about trust fund babies...JUST LIKE YOU...
Next, Joe would issue every Federal, State and County employee in the country a Colt Peacemaker and 6 rounds of AMMO...the survivors keep their jobs...The wounded will be put out of their misery...The bidding is open for this job...
Joe hates the government and the "special class" of government workers that the Feds have created...JUST LIKE YOU...
Next...One vote for every dollar of tax you pay AND a federal lottery where each tax dollar is a ticket...we will give 10 million people a million tax free dollars EVERY YEAR...
YOU LOVE THE IDEA AND YOU KNOW IT...It would make taxes FUN!!!
Here is Joe's campaign slogans...
Vote fer JOE...He doesn't claim to be any smarter than you...
Vote fer JOE...and everyone will git what they deserve...
Vote fer JOE...He's nearly as honest as the next guy...
Now, I have a very freakin' clever campaign strategy...I run negative ads ON MY SELF early in the campaign...this makes Joe look forthright and when the other guy says, for example...JOE IS A CONVICTED FELON...It is old news and he looks, huh???
In that vein...JOE is, in fact a convicted felon...17 peeping tom busts in one week...what can I say...Sammy's was closed for renovations...
JOE drinks too much and has a tendency to take naps in the afternoon...Hell, Dutch Reagan did that and he was a great Prez...
JOE really doesn't give a crap about the "Little People"...Really, when ya git right down to it, who does???
JOE is lazy...well, duh...But, really, wouldn't it have been better if Bushie had spent his afternoons SCREWING OFF, like Clinton, instead of doing stupid stuff??
JOE is in it for the power, glory, money and NUBILE YOUNG INTERNS...Well, again...Duh...Any candidate that says different is FREAKIN' LYING!!!
JOE promises to lie only if it is necessary to save his ass and pledges to tell only 2 BIG LIES and 5 little lies per year...
Well, that's it fer now...JOE is putting it all out there...
"VOTE EARLY, VOTE OFTEN" Richard Daley (one of Joe's icons a great political leaders...)
PS...Another Plus fer JOE...He has absolutely no ambition for higher office or a second term...In fact, he has no ambition of ANY FREAKIN' KIND...He is off for a nap right now...
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